We are taught in scripture to be like little children in the way we receive the gospel (Matt 18:43), and are also cautioned to not be like children in our understanding (1 Cor 14:20).
We (the grown ups) struggle with this. We make receiving the gospel portrayed in Bread and Wine a reward for understanding and by doing that show that in understanding we, the grown ups, are still children.
When little children reach out for bread and wine they are told they shouldn’t and can’t. Grown ups, by contrast, see the bread and the wine and are told they can and should, but won’t.
Let’s pray that our children overlook this inconsistency and never grow tired of reaching out for Gospel food.
G Wah says
I have read your many articles on the Lord’s Supper and want to thank you for writing them and educating us on what it’s really about and what we should be doing and how we should be thinking about it. I am, however, left feeling so sad for all those children who are being confused by the ‘inconsistency’ of the ‘grown ups’. I hope that the shepherds will be courageous and consistent and diligent to the Scriptures whilst tending us silly sheep.
Thank you so much, David. Many blessings.