The Elder
Installation of Elders
The recognition and nomination of a elder will be a Congregational responsibility undertaken with the consent of Session and in accordance with the CRCA book of Forms.
Duties of Elders
The elders of the church are ordained by God to uphold the congregation through prayer, teaching, pastoral care and well ordered government. An elder is chosen on character and giftedness (1 Tim 3:2-7: Tit 1:6-9).
Their immediate responsibilities include,
- Maintaining the faithful worship and instruction of the Saints on the Lord’s Day
- Administering discipline, correction and exhortation amongst themselves and the congregation through the faithful teaching of God’s word.
- Visiting and praying with the sick
- Meeting with one another for the purpose of instruction, direction and mutual encouragement.
In addition, the elders will delegate among themselves, according to their gifts and desires, the oversight of,
- Rosters and Personnel for the churches Music and Public Readings
- New ministries
- Training and Discipleship
The business of the elders will be conducted at their regular meeting, or at special meetings called for that purpose. The elders will appoint a moderator for their meetings and delegate among themselves the preparation of minutes.
Individual elders are responsible for those duties assigned to them by the Session, as recorded in the minutes, with due regard to their gifts and desires.
The Characteristics of an Elder
(1 Tim 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9)
1. Above reproach – must present no patterns of scriptural disobedience or grounds for accusations.
2. Husband of one wife
3. Temperate – must be self-controlled, enslaved to nothing free from excesses.
4. Prudent – must be sober, wise, balanced, and not given to quick, immature decisions.
5. Respectable – must demonstrate a well-ordered life of good behaviour.
6. Hospitable – must be generous with their personal resources.
7. Able to teach – able to communicate the truth of God and exhort sound doctrine. (2 Tim. 4:2,2:24).
8. Not addicted to wine – must be known for moderation and willing to limit their liberty.
9. Not pugnacious – must be gentle and tender – not having a quick temper.
10. Uncontentious – must not be given to quarrelling or selfish argumentation.
11. Free from the love of money – must not be stingy, greedy or out for gain. Not materialistic.
12. Manage own household – have a well ordered home and well behaved children.
13. Not a new covert – must be able to show the reality of their faith and depth of their spirituality.
14. Good reputation with outsiders – must be well respected by unbelievers.
15. Not self-willed – must not be stubborn, insensitive or force opinions on others.
16. Not quick tempered – must be able to exercise self-control and patience in difficult situations.
17. Love what is good – must desire the will of God in difficult situations.
18. Just – must be fair and impartial. Their judgments must be based on scriptural principle.
19. Devout – must be pious, separated from sin, prayerful, a studier of Scripture (Acts 20:28).
20. Holding fast the faithful Word – Stable in faith, obedient to the Word of God, filled with the Spirit.
To teach, rule and shepherd is the characteristic role of an Elder. (1 Tim 3:2; 5:17; Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:1-2)
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