Today’s Message…
Jesus came into this world to bring life to people who were dead. Being dead does not mean that you cant walk around on the planet. Being dead means you cant see, and this world cannot see.
Having rejected the life that is the light of mankind, mankind is blind. Apart from God’s intervention, man is dead to reality. Before anything there was life and life was a person. Mankind, having rejected this ultimate reality – that life gave birth to the material world – mankind is blind, dead and under judgment. And so, God, because of His great love, has intervened.
But mankind continues to love darkness.
Into this world, John the Baptist comes. He isn’t the light, we are told, but a witness who came to testify of the light which gives light to all men. Ever wonder why witnessing is so hard? Here is your answer.
When is a witness called to testify? A witness is called to testify when there is doubt, disagreement or contention over the evidence. When Jesus came into this world, He came to that which was His and his own rejected Him. And so the world has been put on trial
To be a witness is to testify to the truth in the face of opposition. It is no surprise then that there is so much controversy in the Gospel of John. In fact, there are many scholars who reject Johns gospel on this basis. They say that Jesus would never have been such a trouble maker, picking fights with the Jews and the Jewish leaders.
This is our witness. Jesus Christ is Life and it is ony as men come out of the darkness that they see this. Jesus Christ is God intervening for the sake of humanity. Unless you receive Christ when He comes knocking on your door, you will perish. Having rejected life, you have no alternative but to leave this place and remain in eternal darkness.
But the trial goes on. Dead men can be made new. The life that jesus offers is eternal. It is to be born into a new family and welcomed as a child into a New Kingdom on earth.
This is our testimony.
Lessons for Little Saints
Why are people said to be in darkness?
What is the difference between life in the first and second creation?
Can someone raise themselves from the dead?
What is a witness?
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