Today’s Message…
Jesus was in no rush. He didn’t gather His following by giving them a definitive interpretation of the Old Testament on day one and then demanding to know whether they were in or out.
Jesus began His ministry by taking two fishermen from His own neighbourhood out to dinner. Andrew, and possibly John leave their discipleship with John the Baptizer and follow Jesus. Why would they do this?
John the Baptizer pointed to Jesus as the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Andrew got up and followed Jesus based on the testimony of John. And so, for many of us, our walk with Jesus Christ began with an invitation to, “come and see”. And the invitation came from friends, family or people that we had grown to trust.
Andrew immediately goes and gets his brother, Simon and invites him to, “come and see” also. The Apostle John worked with Simon, Andrew was his brother, two men Simon knew and trusted. And so Simon was added to their number and later became known as Peter.
All of this is to say that evangelism in the gospels is of the most simple and natural variety. So simple is it that we often don’t see it happening.
But what were these men being invited to, “Come and See”? Glory.
Jesus’ Glory was being revealed through John the Baptizer as the one who could forgive sin. Jesus’ Glory was being revealed in His authority to give Peter his identity. Jesus’ Glory was being revealed in His authority to tell Nathaniel who he was and where he had come from.
John’s opening chapter, like the rest of his book is an invitation to come and see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, and having witnessed His Glory, to see in Him Grace and Truth. Grace upon Grace to forgive – permanently; to name you, give you your identity and to declare you innocent.
The disciples didn’t need to be told to invite others to, “Come and see” the one who could do all of this. Do you?
Lessons for Little Saints
Name the four disciples mentioned in Chapter one?
What was their relationship to one another?
Why did they follow Jesus?
Who introduced you to Jesus?
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