Today’s Message…
We live in a world of humour. We look out our windows on the world around and we see and laugh at the irony, the wit and the humour of life. Yet, strangely, when we open scripture, we ditch all of this and assume a monk like posture.
We fail to see that He who makes men strong with joy is the Author of Joy and Gladness.
The World is into Greek Tragedy. God is into Deep Comedy.
When the time came for the Son of God to demonstrate His Glorious Grace how did He do it? With a flagon of Red. And what were the props? The dirty water of ritual cleansing.
And where did He get His first Disciples? From his bug eating cousin, John.
Jesus was and is eminently likable. People wanted to be His friend. He was invited to their weddings and pursued by ordinary, hard working men, women and children.. Men, women and children who needed Grace.
Jesus has not come to revamp the law. He didn’t arrive in a Gold Chariot in order to tack Grace on to the ends of our rituals and customs.
He came as the all sufficient, all providing Bridegroom. He came as one who would re-create the world that He had made.
He provides the wine at this wedding as the true Bridegroom. Those joined to Him need never fear a lack of supply. Shame and guilt are washed away – permanently and we are left with joy and gladness.
There is no ritual, no custom, no obedience that you can add to His Grace. This was the joy of John the Baptiser and this should be our prayer. May He Increase. For His increase means more grace and more supply for the Bride.
Lessons for Little Saints
Name all of the people you know at this wedding?
What were the pots of water usually for?
What did Jesus do to those pots of water?
Where else in the bible do we see God providing food for a Man and a Woman?
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