After defeat in the Second World War and atom bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan has recovered to become the second most powerful economy in the world. Japan leads the way in electronic innovation and crazy inventions; who can imagine a world without the Sony Walkman or karaoke?
After 10 years of rapid economic growth Japan is in recession and unemployment is rising.
Recent scandals and revelations of corruption have shaken Japan’s faith in their politicians.
Half the world’s ‘working’ robots are Japanese. Sony’s latest offering is Aibo the dog. Aibo can fetch your paper, remember to take himself for a walk and learn to love you (apparently!)
The whole world will be watching Japan and Korea this summer for the 2002 soccer World Cup. Pray for amazing opportunities to share the gospel with thousands of fans who will be travelling here from all over the world.
The Kobe earthquake, economic crisis and disillusionment has really shaken up Japan. People are really questioning what it is they believe in.
Most of the population are into Shintoism – a uniquely Japanese form of religion which worships idols, ancient spirits and dead relatives!
Only 2% of population are Christians, but a third of Japanese couples want to have a Christian wedding! Pray that this would give Christians a powerful opportunity to tell people about Jesus.
The birth rate in Japan is so low that the population is getting older and older and young people are a dying breed. This materialistic and individualistic generation is really challenging Japan’s older traditional values. Pray that this generation would continue to be increasingly open to hearing about God.
Thousands of Koreans were forcibly brought to Japan during the Second World War. They are looked down on and despised and really treated as second-class citizens. Pray for the 300 churches who are working in this marginalized community.
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