Today’s Message…
John’s self description throughout his letters is usually, “the disciples whom Jesus loved.”
This gives us insight into what it was that made John tick. John found his identity in what Jesus thought of Him. Jesus loved him and John was happy to be loved.
In the gospel of John, the disciple whom Jesus loved takes us by the hand and invites us to come and meet God. He invites us to see and hear through his writings that Jesus is the Saviour of the world.
John was young, reckless and a man who lived to see all of those He loved die. Yet he grew in His love and knowledge of Christ because Jesus had first loved Him.
John was the disicple who put his head on Jesus’ shoulder during dinner. It was John who asked to be seated beside Jesus at the Ressurection. It was John who was brought close enough to see his beloved friend transformed on the mountain with Moses and Elijah and it was John who let his Rabbi down when he needed him most by falling asleep at His post.
John had failed Jesus, but Jesus had not failed John. Jesus loved John and invites us to walk with Him, just as John did. The Jesus that John came to love was the Jesus who was not ashamed to call him, and us, a friend.
John was the first disciple to make it to the empty tomb, the first to recognise Jesus on the shore after His ressurection and the only disciple mentioned at the Crucufixion.
This is the journey that John invites us to take with him, and in taking the journey, to come face to face with the God of all love.
The Jesus that John introduces us to is God in the flesh. The one true God that promises to love the unlovely, even if it costs Him His own life.
Lessons for Little Saints
Who is John?
What was His brothers’ name?
What did John do for a Living?
How did Jesus feel about John?
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